jueves, 22 de octubre de 2015

Exercises for revision

This morning we were checking the homework, and we were doing some exercises to do a revision of the unit. Moreover, we date the exam of the unit, it will be next Thursday 29th October.

The exercises for revision are: P. 33: 10, 13, 14. P. 34: 15, 26. P. 35: 30, 43. P. 36: 48, 50.

miércoles, 21 de octubre de 2015

Cumulative percentages

Today we did in class an example of a word problem with cumulative percentages.

The homework for tomorrow is: P. 31: 9, 10. P. 36: 52, 53

martes, 13 de octubre de 2015


Today we watched the following video about converting decimal numbers to fractions:

The homework for tomorrow is: P. 26 exercise 1.